Happy Anniversary One month sayang :*
Eee, ingat tak time kita first jumpa dulu dulu b? Ingat tak time kat rooftop. Ingat tak time kat blkg pavi? Ingat tak time Kite amek gambar tu? Ingat tak time kat Jelatek? Ingat tak time first time chat kat FB? ingat tak masa first time text? ingat tak masa first time on call? Ingat tak masa First date? Hihi. Ingat tak Ingat tak? Ee, Malu aaa. Hihi.
Sayang sayang, Happy anniversary one month k. Thanks for everything. even baru one month, tapi sumpah mcam happy gila dgan you by :* Kejap je kan sebulan. Hihi. lepasni kite dah tak boleh selalu jumpa kan :( yelaaa, I kan nak PMR hmm. Sedih ni :( Eee, malu laa cerita kat sini. Hihi.
By by by, Thanks for being the best damn thing, that I've never had. I love you so much k :* and thanks for making me laugh When I'd almost forgotten to.
Aireen Shazlin.